Hyperion CD KING2
Welcome, welcome glorious morn : Be welcome then, great Sir : Oh, fair Cedaria : Hear my prayer : Dido's Lament : Let mine eyes run down : The sparrow and the gentle dove : If music be the food Rejoice in the Lord alway : Hosanna to the highest : Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets : Fairest isle Mark, how readily : Sound the trumpet : She loves and she confesses : O how blest is the isle Remember not, Lord : An Evening Hymn : Vouchsafe, O Lord : Hail bright Cecilia
with Barbara Bonney, Gillian Fisher, Susan Gritton, Eamonn O'Dwyer, Nicholas Witcomb, James Bowman, Michael Chance, John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Mark Padmore, Michael George
Choir of New College Oxford
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: Countertenor Duets
Hyperion CDA 66253
Purcell Sound the trumpet : In vain the am'rous flute : O solitude : Sing, sing ye druids : O dive custos : No, resistance is but vain : Hark how the songsters : Incassum lesbia : Blow Ah heav'n, what is't I hear : An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell
James Bowman, Michael Chance countertenors
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Mr Henry Purcell's most admirable composures
Hyperion Helios CDH55303
We sing to him : What shall I do to show her : How long, great God : Not all my torments : Music for a while : Fairest Isle : The knotting song : The Plaint : With him he brings : Ah, how sweet it is to love: Celia has a thousand charms : The fatal hour comes on : If music be the food of love : One charming night : Since from my dear Astrea's sight Here the deities approve : Evening Hymn
James Bowman countertenor
The King's Consort
Robert King director, harpsichord, chamber organ

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 1
only available as part of the complete set
CDS 44031/8 (8 CDs)
Welcome to all the pleasures : Now does the glorious day appear : Arise my Muse
Gillian Fisher, Tessa Bonner sopranos
James Bowman, Michael Chance countertenors
John Mark Ainsley, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George, Charles Pott basses
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 2
only available as part of the complete set
CDS 44031/8 (8 CDs)
Hail, bright Cecilia : The Duke of Gloucester's Birthday Ode
Gillian Fisher, Tessa Bonner sopranos
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump high tenor
John Mark Ainsley tenor
Michael George, Simon Keenlyside basses
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 3
Hyperion CDA 66412
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum : Fly bold rebellion : Celebrate this festival
Gillian Fisher, Tessa Bonner sopranos
James Bowman, Jonathan Kenny countertenors
Rogers Covey-Crump, Rufus Müller tenors
Michael George, Charles Pott basses
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 4
only available as part of the complete set
CDS 44031/8 (8 CDs)
Ye tuneful Muses : Celestial music did the gods inspire : From hardy climes
Gillian Fisher, Tessa Bonner sopranos
James Bowman, Jonathan Kenny countertenors
Charles Daniels, Rogers Covey-Crump tenors
Michael George, Charles Pott basses
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 5
Hyperion CDA 66476
The summer's absence unconcerned we bear : Great parent, hail : Welcome, glorious morn
Gillian Fisher, Evelyn Tubb sopranos
James Bowman, Jonathan Kenny countertenors
John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey-Crump tenors
Michael George, Charles Pott basses
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 6
Hyperion CDA 66494
From those serene : Laudate Ceciliam : Raise, raise the voice : Love's goddess sure
Gillian Fisher, Mary Seers sopranos
James Bowman, Nigel Short countertenors
Mark Padmore, Andrew Tusa tenors
Michael George, Robert Evans basses
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 7
only available as part of the complete set
CDS 44031/8 (8 CDs)
Swifter Isis, swifter flow : What shall be done in behalf of the man : The Yorkshire Feast Song
Gillian Fisher, Susan Hamilton sopranos
James Bowman, Nigel Short countertenors
Charles Daniels, Rogers Covey-Crump tenors
Michael George, Robert Evans basses
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs volume 8
only available as part of the complete set
CDS 44031/8
Come, ye Sons of Art, away : Welcome, Vicegerent : Why are all the muses mute
Gillian Fisher, Tessa Bonner sopranos
James Bowman, Michael Chance countertenors
John Mark Ainsley, Mark Padmore tenors
Michael George, Robert Evans basses
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Odes and Welcome Songs
CDS 44031/8 (8 CDs)
Tessa Bonner, Gillian Fisher, Susan Hamilton, Mary Seers, Evelyn Tubb sopranos
James Bowman, Michael Chance, Jonathan Kenny, Nigel Short countertenors
John Mark Ainsley, Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Rufus Müller, Mark Padmore, Andrew Tusa tenors
Robert Evans, Michael George, Simon Keenlyside, Charles Pott basses
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King director

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 1
only available as part of the complete set
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
O sing unto the Lord : O praise God in his holiness : Praise the Lord O Jerusalem : It is a good thing to give thanks : O give thanks : Let mine eyes run down : My beloved spake
Nicholas Witcomb, Jerome Finnis trebles
James Bowman countertenor
Charles Daniels tenor
Michael George, Robert Evans basses
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 2
only available as part of the complete set
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
Blessed are they that fear the Lord : Behold now, praise the Lord : I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord : My song shall be alway : Te Deum and Jubilate Deo in D
Nicholas Witcomb, Daniel Lochmann trebles
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump tenor
Michael George bass
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 3
Hyperion CDA 66623
Blow up the trumpet : The Lord is king : Begin the song : Thy word is a lantern : The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation : Hear my prayer : Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes : O Lord, our Governor Remember not, Lord, our offences : Hosanna to the highest : O God, thou hast cast us out
Nicholas Witcomb, Daniel Lochmann, Mark Kennedy trebles
Lynne Dawson soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Charles Daniels tenor
Michael George, Robert Evans basses
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 4
only available as part of the complete set
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
Behold, I bring you glad tidings : Since God so tender a regard : Early, O Lord, my fainting soul : Sleep, Adam, and take thy rest : Awake, ye dead : The earth trembled : The way of God is an undefiled way : Lord, not to us, but to thy name : Lord, what is man? : Sing unto God : O, all ye people, clap your hands : My heart is inditing
Nicholas Witcomb, Mark Kennedy, Philip Hallchurch trebles
Susan Gritton soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George, Stephen Varcoe, Robert Evans basses
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 5
Hyperion CDA 66656
O Lord, rebuke me not : With sick and famish'd : How long, great God : Awake, and with attention : O God, thou art my God : We sing to him : Praise the Lord, O my soul : O, I'm sick of life : O God, the king : Let the night perish : When on my sick bed : Rejoice in the Lord alway
Nicholas Witcomb treble
Susan Gritton soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 6
Hyperion CDA 66663
Why do the heathen : Lord, who can tell : O Lord, grant the king a long life : Hear me, O Lord : Thou wakeful shepherd : Who hath believed our report? : I will love thee, O Lord : Great God and just : Plung'd in the confines : O praise the Lord, all ye heathen : My heart is fixed, O God
Nicholas Witcomb, Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer trebles
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Paul Agnew tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of New College Oxford
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 7
only available as part of the complete set
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
I was glad when they said unto me (two versions) : O consider my adversity : Beati omnes qui timent Dominum : In the black dismal dungeon of despair : Save me, O God : Te Deum and Jubilate in B flat : Thy way, O God, is holy : Music performed at the Funeral of Queen Mary
Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer trebles
Susan Gritton soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 8
only available as part of the complete set
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust : Blessed is the man : Benedicite in B flat : Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes : Full of wrath his threatening breath : Bow down thine ear, O Lord : Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in G minor : Be merciful unto me : They that go down to the sea in ships
Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer trebles
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Mark Padmore tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 9
Hyperion CDA 66693
The Lord is my light : The Lord is King, the earth may be glad thereof : Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven : O Lord God of hosts : Let God arise Z23 : Cantate Domino & Deus Misereatur in B flat : Blessed be the Lord my strength : O Lord our governor : In guilty night
Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer, Aaron Webber trebles
Susan Gritton soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Mark Padmore tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 10
only available as part of the complete set
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
I will give thanks unto the Lord : I will sing unto the Lord : How have I stray'd : Benedictus, Kyrie and Creed in B flat : Hear my prayer, O God : Out of the deep : Blessed is he that considereth : The Lord is king, and hath put on glorious apparel : Unto thee will I cry
Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer, Aaron Webber trebles
Susan Gritton soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Mark Padmore tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music volume 11
Hyperion CDA 66716
Praise the Lord, O my soul : Close thine eyes and sleep secure : Lord, how long wilt thou be angry Hear me, O Lord, and that soon : Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B flat : Turn thou us, O good Lord : O Lord, thou art my God : An Evening hymn : Awake, awake, put on thy strength
Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer, Aaron Webber trebles
Susan Gritton soprano
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Mark Padmore tenors
Michael George bass
Choir of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music
Hyperion CDS 44141/51 (11 CDs)
Mark Kennedy, Eamonn O'Dwyer, Nicholas Witcomb trebles
Lynne Dawson, Susan Gritton sopranos
James Bowman countertenor
Paul Agnew, Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels, Mark Padmore tenors
Michael George bass
The Choir Of New College, Oxford
Choir Of The King's Consort
The King's Consort
Robert King conductor

PURCELL: Complete Secular Solo Songs volume 1
Hyperion CDA 66710
Draw near, you lovers : While Thirsis, wrapp'd : Love, thou can'st hear : I loved fair Celia : What hope for us remains : Pastora's beauties : A thousand sev'ral ways : Urge me no more : Farewell, all joys : If music be the food (first version) : Amidst the shades : They say you're angry : Let each gallant heart : This poet sings : Ah, how pleasant : My heart, whenever you appear : On the brow of Richmond Hill : Rashly I swore : Since the pox : Beneath a dark and melancholy grove : Musing on cares : Whilst Cynthia sang : How I sigh : Ye happy swains : Beware, poor shepherds : See how the fading glories : Cease, anxious world : Oh, fair Cedaria
Barbara Bonney, Susan Gritton sopranos
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George bass
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Secular Solo Songs volume 2
Hyperion CDA 66720
I love and I must : When her languishing eyes : Not all my torments : Ah! Cruel nymph : Sylvia, now your scorn : Since one poor view : I resolve against cringing : Gentle shepherds : If grief has any pow'r : She that would gain : Fly swift, ye hours : Hears not my Phillis : Phillis, talk no more : Celia's fond : In vain we dissemble : When my Aemelia : Farewell, ye rocks : What a sad fate : I take no pleasure : Love's pow'r in my heart : How delightful's the life : She, who my poor heart : Love arms himself : When first my shepherdess : Through mournful shades : If music be the food (second version) : Scarce had the rising sun : Who but a slave : High on a throne : Incassum lesbia
Barbara Bonney, Susan Gritton sopranos
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George bass
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: Complete Secular Solo Songs volume 3
Hyperion CDA 66730
She loves and she confesses : Amintas, to my grief : Corinna is divinely fair : Amintor, heedless of his flocks : He himself courts : No, to what purpose : Sylvia, 'tis true : Lovely Albina : Spite of the godhead : If music be the food (third version) : Phillis, I can ne'er forgive it : Bacchus is a pow'r From silent shades : Let formal lovers : I came, I saw : Who can behold Florella's charms : Cupid, the slyest rogue : If pray'rs and tears : In Cloris all soft charms : Let us, kind Lesbia : Love is now become a trade : Ask me to love no more : O solitude : Olinda in the shades Pious Celinda : When Strephon found : The fatal hour : Sawney is a bonny lad : Young Thirsis' fate
Barbara Bonney, Susan Gritton sopranos
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George bass
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord

PURCELL: The Complete Secular Solo Songs
Hyperion CDS 44161/3 (3 CDs)
Barbara Bonney, Susan Gritton sopranos
James Bowman countertenor
Rogers Covey-Crump, Charles Daniels tenors
Michael George bass
The King's Consort
Robert King director, organ, harpsichord
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